7 February 2025
Tell us how you think we’re doing, says mayor

MANSFIELD Shire Council has encouraged shire residents to take part in the 2025 Community Satisfaction Survey and give feedback on council’s performance.

The survey, undertaken from January 28 to mid-March, will cover a broad range of topics related to Council services.

Mayor Cr Steve Rabie highlighted the importance of community involvement in the survey process.

"Your feedback helps us understand what matters most to you,” he said.

“Whether it’s about local planning, sustainability or public spaces, the community satisfaction survey is an important chance to tell us how you think we’re performing.

“Your feedback has a real impact.

"Last year our community told us they wanted Council to do better on roads and planning for growth, and we listened.

"We’ve made huge efforts in those areas this year.

In previous years Council has been scored highly on parks and public spaces – a sign that its approach is on the right track in that area.

Independent market research agency National Field Services will conduct the survey over via phone.

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Residents and ratepayers are selected to participate at random to capture feedback from various parts of the Shire's community.

Individual details and responses kept confidential, and only the overall results are shared with Council.

“If you receive a call, we strongly encourage you participate and take the opportunity to share your views,” said Cr Rabie.