26 March 2025
St Mary’s students raise $1343 for kid’s camp

IN December grade six students from St Mary’s held a small business give back fair in the Mercy Centre to fundraise for Southern Cross Kid’s Camp – High Country.

At the whole school assembly on Tuesday December 17, three students presented Southern Cross Kid’s Camp – High Country volunteers with a check of $1343 - enough to send three children on camp.

Grade six teacher Jess Harris said it took all of term four to plan the arcade games and small business fair.

“The grade sixes do a Give Back to the Community event as a part of their end of St Mary's journey,” she said.

“They chose SCKC – High Country as the community group to give back to this year.

“The students went through a Shark Tank process with the teachers to ensure their small business and arcade game would be viable.

“Once this was approved, they went about designing an advertising campaign to promote their business through I movie ads, posters and t-shirts.

“The arcade games were made out of recycled materials with no cost to make.

“Each small business group was given $30 to start up and buy necessary supplies.

“Within our religious education and Inquiry unit we have talked a lot about being our brother's keeper.

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“Sue Binzer from SCKC came to talk to the students about what they do and this inspired the kids to be the change they want to see in the world.”