29 March 2025
The town’s party

IT takes a village to stage a picnic race meeting, and Mansfield’s long-running Melbourne Cup Day event is a great example.

The Mansfield District Racing Club’s volunteer committee work year-round to cover all aspects of the event—from working with Country Racing Victoria and the racing industry to provide a safe and compliant racecourse, to ensuring that patrons will be provided with the highest standards of entertainment and hospitality.

MDRC President Mrs Leanne Backwell had high praise for the dedication and commitment of committee members, but she points out that it is the support of local businesses and community organisations that takes the event to a higher level.

“Our club has a strong partnership with groups including the Delatite Cricket Club, the Mansfield Pony Club, Rotary and in 2024, we welcome the Mansfield AFL Women’s Football Team and musicians from the Steiner School community," she said.

"We could not provide such a quality event without their contribution.

"The support of local businesses in challenging economic times has been of great reassurance to the MDRC.

“The meeting would be very hard to run without the backing of major sponsor Marks IGA and traditional sponsors including Delatite Wines, Foodworks, McGrath Mansfield, the Mansfield Courier, and Barastoc

"In 2024, we welcome Platinum Horse Transport as a race sponsor and marshalls+dent+wilmoth law as sponsors of the big screen."

With all the work behind the scenes continuing to piece together, the real magic of the day lies in the support of patrons attending, and the MDRC is thrilled that ticket sales are high from local residents.

Marquee packages, memberships, and general admission tickets for a relaxing day on the shady lawns have been extremely well supported by residents of the Mansfield Shire, supporting the unofficial name of the day as ‘The Town’s Party.’

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Free admission for children under 17, a wide range of food and beverages, including a wider non-alcoholic selection, an acclaimed Fashions on the Field competition, musical entertainment from Geoff Wright, and a big screen for watching all the action of the Melbourne Cup at Flemington, combined with six exciting races in picturesque surroundings, provide a great day out for all ages.

Tickets and packages, including the popular Lawn Party, are currently available online via

A free shuttle bus will be running to and from the course, departing from the Mansfield Courthouse, and buses will also operate from Bonnie Doon and Merrijig.

For all inquiries and bookings, contact

Picnic lunches are available for order from The Produce Store via and The Kitchen Door at

The Mansfield District Racing Club encourages community members of all ages to come along for a great day of picnic racing.