4 March 2025
Wedding bells ring in Jamieson

JAMIESON residents Genevieve and Ian Bolwell and their family, attended the marriage of their daughter Bec and Scott Ersvaer on Friday evening February 23.

The service was conducted at the Ersvaer property on Mt Battery Road Mansfield.

The theme for the occasion was a traditional Norwegian wedding ceremony, with marriage celebrant Barbara Taylor conducting the service.

The attendees at the wedding were Bec’s three daughters Bella Cervi Bolwell, Aby and Ivy Heron and Scott’s son Justin and daughter Ruby.

Fathers of the bride and groom, carried family ceremonial swords a traditional custom in Norway, representing protection of the new couple.

The hand fasting ceremony was also part of the tradition where Bella, Aby and Ivy with Justin and Ruby presented the ceremonial ribbons.

The service was held outdoors under an archway constructed for the occasion.

Following the service, the 50 family and friends repaired to the Meeting Place (home) and enjoyed a fine dinner of delicious fresh pizza.

Jamieson resident and family friend Andrew Dwyer, was pizza chef and kept the diners delighted with his delicious fare.

The Bolwell family were well represented with sons Jacob and family from Brisbane, Ben and his family from Wodonga and daughter Jess and family from Jamieson.

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It was a very happy family reunion.


Friday and Saturday were very busy for 15 volunteers, who worked over the two days with Count Rudi Paoletti, under the auspices of Jamieson and District Historical Society board member Karen Alderson, who was instrumental in organising the erection of the refurbished historical places signs.

The signs had deteriorated over the years from weather damage.

Twenty nine brand new signs were erected at their original sites from corner of Chenery Street, to the Island, from the arboretum, to the school to the cemetery.

Grey, Nash and Brown streets all have signs.

It was a herculean effort with Jamieson volunteers, Nick and Grant from Howqua and Rudi’s team.

They worked for the two days.

Lunch was provided by Andy at the general store; local home owners Maureen and Jim Doig were delighted to pick up the luncheon bill, provided to eat at the Memorial Hall.

The new signage will delight walkers who often walk the ‘Historical Places Walk’ around Jamieson.

Thank you to those involved, your generosity of time, labor and funds was exemplary.

Congratulations on a job well done.

Our thanks to local resident Kate Berg, her family and Café Team, for the fabulous two years opening and running the Jamieson Café.

The time to spend more time with her young family, rest and a change of direction are in order.

Kate and your team all cared for and delighted your local and visiting clientele.

We wish you well.

Last week principal Sonja, the teaching staff and students of Jamieson Primary school welcomed back Mr Joel Wilson for a day. Past and present students all enjoyed his fun approach to learning.

It was the first opportunity for him to admire the new renovations to the school.

Earlier in the week the students walked down to the Big Pool Playground by the river.

While they were there, they saw Tom Bennet from the Jamieson Caravan Park, cutting the lower limbs from a large tree.

It wasn’t long before it became a community effort, the students enjoyed helping Tom by dragging the cut branches onto a large pile.

The first bought lunches for the school students from the General Store, was a great hit with the chicken and chips packs proving very popular.

The school has been successful in obtaining a grant from the Variety four wheel drive children's charity which will go toward purchasing a second basketball hoop.

The cheque is to be presented to the school on Friday March 8.

This is looking to be a major event.


The Jamieson Community Group meeting will be held on Tuesday March 5 at 7pm in the Jamieson Memorial Hall.

A very interesting period, to hear what is happening in the town and aspire to what you may be able to add, ideas and new vision all to make Jamieson the place to be.

The second seniors lunch will be held on Wednesday March 6 at the Courthouse Hotel Commencing at 12pm.

Phone the hotel on 5777 0503 for bookings.

This is a wonderful opportunity to meet with neighbors and friends for chat and a lovely meal.

All welcome.