Mansfield courier
Free workshop on controlling Paterson's Curse in the Mansfield District

PATERSON'S Curse, often known as Pato, is a pervasive weed that poses a significant threat to farmland the Mansfield District.

Competing fiercely with desired pasture species for light, moisture, and nutrients, Paterson's Curse can reduce pasture quality and the available fodder for livestock.

Up2Us Landcare Alliance have been supported by Agriculture Victoria with funding through the Partnerships Against Pests program to run a series of information sessions on pest plants and animals impacting the region.

To help landholders effectively manage and control this noxious weed, Up2Us Landcare Alliance is hosting a free workshop on Sunday, September 15.

This event aims to provide essential information on reducing the prevalence of Paterson’s Curse on your property through integrated pest management strategies.

Workshop highlights:

• Pasture management: Learn how to maintain healthy pastures that are more resistant to weed invasion.

• Herbicide use and timing: Discover the most effective chemical control options and the best times to apply them.

• Biological control options: Understand the role of biological controls in managing Paterson’s Curse and how they can be integrated into your pest management plan.

Meet the experts:

Our workshop features an excellent lineup of speakers who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in weed management:

• Simon Feillafe: A Landcare facilitator from the Upper Murray area, Simon has extensive experience with biological controls. Simon will discuss the different biological controls, how they work and how to promote them in the paddock.

• Cam Paterson: A local weed contractor, Cam will provide insights into the best control methods and the ideal times for applying herbicides.

• Alastair Campbell: from Agriculture Victoria, Alastair will speak about the presence of Paterson's Curse in the state and region, landholder obligations, and effective pasture management practices to reduce the presence of Pato.

Why attend?

Understanding how to manage Paterson's Curse is essential for all landholders, whether you have a small plot or extensive farmland.

The key to effective management lies in using multiple tools, such as biological controls, good pasture management, avoiding overgrazing, and applying targeted herbicides. Additionally, collaborating with neighbouring landholders to control the weed across multiple properties can significantly increase the chances of success.

Event Details:

Date: Sunday September 15

Time: 10am - 12pm

Cost: free

Location: Bonnie Doon

Don't miss this opportunity to learn how to manage Paterson's Curse effectively and keep your land healthy.

To register, visit the events page on the Up2Us website or contact the Up2Us office at 5779 1593.

This event is proudly supported by the Victorian government through the Agriculture Victoria Partnership Against Pests Program.

By working together, we can protect our farms and ensure a productive future for our land.