10 March 2025
Managing Feral Pig problems workshop

FERAL pigs are a serious pest in many parts of Victoria causing damage to farmland and native habitat and preying on livestock and native animals.

They are also a potential disease risk to humans, livestock and wildlife.

Feral Pigs are becoming more common in Mansfield's local environment with many landholders asking how to effectively control them.

Effective feral pig management requires an integrated approach using a range of control techniques and monitoring.

Management programs should also be undertaken with neighbours over large areas to slow population recovery.

To ensure farmers have access to the latest information available, Up2Us Landcare Alliance are working with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA), Feral Scan, and Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) to deliver an information session in Mansfield on Wednesday, February 15, 2023.

The session will cover best practice feral pig management and monitoring, biosecurity/disease risks associated with feral pigs and the latest feral pig research.

The day will consist of presentations from Feral Scan, DEECA, and will give the opportunity for landholders in affected areas to link together and implement a community lead approach to Feral Pig control in the Mansfield region.

The day will run from 10am– 2pm at the Mansfield Show Grounds with a barbecue lunch provided. To RSVP, please head to TryBooking Feral Pig Workshop Mansfield.

For more information, please contact Up2Us Landcare Alliance on 5779 1593.

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