GOULBURN Murray Water (GMW) is asking for feedback on recreational offerings encouraging visitors to its lakes, dams, and reservoirs to provide feedback through its annual Recreation User Survey.
The survey gives GMW a better understanding of what people value about its storages, and what GMW can do to improve its recreational offerings.
GMW Water Storage Services general manager, Martina Cusack, said feedback from previous iterations of the survey had proved invaluable.
“It’s great so many people enjoy a range of activities at our storages, and we want to learn more about how they can get the most out of their visit,” she said.
“One example of how we have used the survey to make improvements is the awareness of all-ability facilities at our storages.
“When we first conducted the survey in 2021/22, we noted a significant number of respondents did not know where the all-ability facilities at our storages were located.
“Afterwards, we made a concerted effort to change this, improving the signage at our storages and adding information to our website about where people can find all-ability facilities,” Ms Cusak said.
“We subsequently saw a considerable increase in the number of people aware of these facilities in the 2022/23 Recreational User Survey and it is something we are eager to improve further.”
The survey includes questions regarding what facilities could be improved at the storages people visit.
Ms Cusack said questions like this helped GMW identify funding opportunities.
“With support from various stakeholders such as the Victorian Fisheries Authority, Better Boating Victoria and the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, we have received funding for various upgrades to the facilities at our storages,” she said.
“The survey data helps us understand which facilities – be it barbecues, toilets, or boat ramps – we should prioritise, and also helps us make a business case to get these facilities funded.”
The survey will be open until Thursday, February 29, 2024.
People can complete the survey on the GMW website YourSay page: https://yoursay.gmwater.com.au/23-24-recreational-user-survey
A summary of key themes will be published after the survey has closed.